Macquarie Dictionary



The when of Easter

The origin of the word Easter is quite straightforward: Middle English ester, Old English ēastre, originally, name of goddess associated with the vernal equinox; distantly

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A ton of brickies

Eat a spoonful of cement and harden up because brickie is our word of the week. A brickie is a bricklayer. This piece of Aussie slang has

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Don’t be a knocker

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Another word of the week, that’s who. Knocker is this week’s featured word. A knocker is a person who’s always putting

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Down the bunyip hole

A bunyip is a mythical Australian beast of amphibious nature that inhabits rivers and deep, dark pools, retreating to underwater caverns known as bunyip holes. They are

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