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There are 1 results of your search for cove.


chap, fellow (Tasmanianism): This cove came up to me at the sale and said...

Editor's comments: This word was formerly well-used Australia-wide. It appears in CJ Dennis' poetry with high frequency. Nowadays it is still used but only in restricted areas. You would sound like you had just stepped out of a time machine if you tried using it in Sydney! Is it used anywhere outside of Tasmania?

Contributor's comments: Cove is used in the Western District, mainly by pre-baby boomers.

Contributor's comments: [Brisbane informant] A word to describe a man: "I was talking to this cove at work and he gave me some good ideas on gardening."

Contributor's comments: My parents were western Queensland people. My mother especially had strong notions about social status. "Cove" was used in a sort-of patronising way when talking about someone who was unfortunate or lower class - especially "decent cove". A typical comment was: "He was as rough as bags but a decent cove".