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There are 1 results of your search for GEHA.


A house supplied to teachers in regional areas of WA by the Government - certainly in the 70's if not later. Acronym of Government Education Housing Authority: They've given us a GEHA house in Bunbury.

Contributor's comments: Victoria also had a Government Employee Housing Authority [wound up in the 1980s] - never heard the acronym used to describe the houses themselves.

Contributor's comments: GEHA houses were also available to members of the police force in WA country towns. Principals in schools and sergeants of police always had the better GEHA houses.

Contributor's comments: This term should actually be "GEHA house" (or flat, etc, I guess), not just a GEHA (see comments above). Was still in use in SW WA until at least the mid 1990s.

Contributor's comments: GEHA still exists in W.A. and they still provide housing (houses, units etc) for government workers.

Contributor's comments: The commonly used term was indeed GEHA house (flat etc). It was more correctly Government Employees Housing Authority; providing housing to teachers, police officers and other government employees and their families.