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There are 1 results of your search for Collins Street cocky.

Collins Street cocky

noun one who owns a country property, often for tax loss purposes, but who lives and works in Melbourne. Compare Pitt Street farmer, Queen Street bushie. Also, Collins Street grazier, Collins Street farmer. [name of a street in central Melbourne]
Contributor's comments: In W.A. 'St.Georges Terrace Cocky' is the same thing.

Contributor's comments: Used on King Island, at least till I left in the mid 70s, to refer to all absentee property owners.

Contributor's comments: [Western District informant] Someone who lived in Melbourne and carried out farming as more of a hobby. Collins Street being a well-to-do street in the Melbourne CBD. This term would predate 'hobby farmer' : "He's just a Collins Street Farmer."