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Large yabbies, that are black in colour. Yabbies change colour as they grow in size and age. The smallest are the greenies, then blueies(if I remember correctly), then blackies. When bands of kids used to go yabbying in the 50s and 60s, we would distinguish them by size and colour. The small greenies were most common. But everybody wanted to catch a big blackie. Blackies where the biggest and hardest to catch. They were a bit cheeky and could give a kid a nasty nip. The technique was to tie a bit of mincemeat to a piece of string and toss it into the yabby dam, then gradually start pulling it back as you felt the nibble. You had to pull it slow enough that the yabbie followed, but fast enough that there was still some meat left by the time you got it back to the dam edge. When you saw the bubbles, you had to scoop really quickly with Mum's sifter to catch the yabbie. Some of the blackies were so big they wouldn't fit in the sifter: We went yabbying this arvo. I got ten greenies and a real big blackie.