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There are 2 results of your search for donkey2.


verb (t) 1. to convey as a second person on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle.
noun 2. a ride obtained from being donkeyed. Compare bar2, dink, dinky1, dinky-double, double, dub, pug.

Contributor's comments: As a child living in Adelaide we always used the word 'donkey' if we wanted a ride on the back of someones bike. It was always, "can I have a donkey"?

Contributor's comments: I grew up with dink or double dink in South Western Australia, and later lived in South Australia and heard 'donkey' for riding on the bar of a bike.

Contributor's comments: We used to 'Donkey up' and "ride donkey" in Kiama and Albion Park (Southern Illawarra).

Contributor's comments: To donkey someone meant to give them a ride on a pushbike as a passenger - they would sit on the cross bar. Probably illegal now for safety reasons, but common years ago: "Hop on the bike with me and I will donkey you home."


noun The term "donkey" is used around Lithgow in NSW to describe a structure standing some distance from the house in the back yard, which houses a coal-burning furnace. It is usually connected to the house by a largish pipe above head level.