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There are 1 results of your search for down ball.

down ball

A game played at primary school during lunchtime between two kids with a wall and (preferably) a tennis ball (or basketball, volleyball, netball). It could be defined as half court tennis without racquets or bats, much like squash). One person serves by hitting the ball with their hand so that the ball bounces on the ground and then hits the wall. The next person waits for the return bounce and then hits the ball with their hand so that it bounces on the ground and hits the wall again. This is continued much like tennis until one player outsmarts or out-hits the other.A variation on this game is upball where the rules are the same except the ball must not hit the ground before it hits the wall i.e. a player hits the ball up onto the wall rather than down onto the ground: Hey Joff, you want to play down ball at morning playtime? I've got the ball, can you buzz the quadrangle!

Contributor's comments: Used to play downball at school in Ballarat in the 70's.