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There are 1 results of your search for Oodnawoopwoop.


A place in the distant outback. Probably farther way even than Woopwoop. Often heard in South Australia with a 'd' after the first two 'o's: We ended up in bloody Oodnawoopwoop with a flat and no spare. Also, Oonawoopwoop.

Contributor's comments: somewhere along way away that is out of the way, generally in the outback. Much further than "the sticks": "His parents had a station out Oonawoopwoop."

Contributor's comments: Having grown up in Adelaide, I was under the impression the word was Oodnawoopwoop. Not Oonawoopwoop The difference being the D in the word. (perhaps for Oodnadatta?) Out in the country: long way away: out bush: "Where does he live? Oodnawoopwoop (meaning out there in the dim distance.) Namely, Oodnadatta being so far away from Adelaide."